Fernando! Spoiler Free!

After a pretty awesome veggie meal at Adelphi's Angus and Ale washed down by copious Botanist Gins, Kim and I set off to see THAT movie. Yes, it's time for.........drum roll please... Mama Mia! Here we go again!

Full on cheese balls! Total and utter nonsense! But who cares, it's totally worth it to suspend the reality of current times for a couple of hours and lose yourself in fantasy fromage. The older cast were the most watchable, obviously had a blast and by far gave the best laughs...topped by the cherry on the (girl's best friend) cake that is international treasure, Julie Walters. Cher's face though, that is some cold hard plastic surgery, ain't no muscle movin' of its own accord, they've been incarcerated in face prison, where time cannot turn back.

Back to the cinematic experience and we were surrounded by cliques of boozy ladies dipping into their covert booze stash. Not us of course, being classy, we'd gone in pre-loaded. Kim liked the film too, although she did actually snooze off at one point. Hahaha. Luckily though, she was asleep when the chavtastic lass behind us (who had already stolen some other people's seats and caused havoc) kept shouting spoilers. The audience was mostly made up of middle aged, booze soaked lushes, like myself, I know this because there was a constant stream of them heading off to the loo. Bit of a badge of honour that Kim and I didn't need to do that...WE ARE NOT WIFEYS YET...even though we overheard the gaggle of gals we tipped off about the extra scene at the end refer to us as the wifeys down the row as they left.

Post cinema Gin for the road then a nostalgic bus ride for the two former Brig o Don quines, sitting on the top deck of the bus going over the Bridge of Don to spot the otters. First time I've been on a No.1 bus in decades....and we did see an otter off the island.

P.S. Mark Kermode gave this film 5 stars. That made me laugh before i'd even seen the movie. (But waiting until the end of the credits to see the tiny extra scene wasn't worth it Mark to be honest....)

P.P.S. Tess loved the first Mama Mia film and was really looking forward to this film, but not with me, she went to see it with her boyfriend elsewhere....give that boyfriend a big gold star and 20 brownie points.

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