Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

Not the best day! Woke up to torrential rain and heavy winds. As only had 7 miles to do we left Mike packing up the last tent and got going. Eva struggled pedalling into the head wind and Toby set off at quite a pace. Yesterday he stopped regularly to let us catch up, but after 10 mins of not seeing him I was really starting to panic. Eva couldn't go any faster, we were cold and wet. I decided there was no way she would make the 7 miles and we'd stop at parsley hay and send Mike on to get the car. Could only hope that Toby had stopped to shelter there. He hadn't. I was frantic. To go on and try to catch Toby would mean leaving Eva so I could only pray Mike was not far behind or that Toby would realise we were not with him and turn around, which he eventually did. He was very upset when he finally got back and mike turned up not long after. He'd been gone over half an hour. I was so mad and relieved at the same time. A horrible experience I don't want to repeat ever again! Mike had his stubborn head on and took Toby on with him to get the car after ditching the trailer, even though it would be far quicker to go on his own. Me and Eva changed into some dry clothes and stood shivering in the bike shop for 40 mins. Couldn't wait to get home. Feels like all our adventures turn into disasters at the moment.

I had a riding lesson this arvo. The skies cleared and it dried up, that was until it was my slot, then the heavens opened and I got soaked all over again. Buddy was really good though. For the first time I got him in a proper outline. I have to remember to get him straight and look at what his shoulders are doing and not just focus on going round the arena. To begin with he just kept giving me circles but then he clicked and we got there in the end. Ruth is such a good teacher. We make such good progress on every lesson.

Put a film on when we got home and snuggled up with kids. Watched Gangsta Granny.

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