Miserable Old Bag

That's me apparently!

So my day didn't start too well. Worse than expected actually and a bit of a carry on from yesterdays not so Good Deeds. Really wish I hadn't bothered now.

Aware that there was still some 'Junk' in the garage - in the way of Mr W's motorbike - I asked him if he was taking it out today. He said not today so thought I was safe to leave the junk in the way. I then opened the garage to try and load my car with as much of the junk as possible to drop it off at the family centre in between jobs. Big Mistake. Huge. (I sound like Julia Roberts!)

Mr W spotted the junk and straight away said "well I won't be  taking the bike out today then will I?". It was just 2 plastic trikes in the way. Not heavy, not hard to move.

Well that was it. I flipped. And I don't mean a happy somersault. I mean a full on storming about the garage to move the blasted Trikes onto the drive so he could get the damn bike out that I knew he wasn't going to ride today. I reluctantly kissed him goodbye (I will never leave without at least saying goodbye - never) and said "enjoy your ride" and went to slam the door behind me, (I love slamming doors!) only to find he was right there telling me to F off "you Miserable Old Bag". 

Ok, yes, I was a Miserable Old bag and probably over reacted as much as him but I was still cross that he reacted so badly to my good deed yesterday so I think I was justified in my reaction! I still wish I was able to slam that door though!

Anyway, off I stormed to work trying not to check my phone for a message!! He messaged! Just a few lines with a "sorry" . I messaged back with an essay. As you do. But at least I was able to tell him about my day yesterday, the reason why I did what I did and the fact I cleaned off his wheel arches!!! Another short message back blaming my snoring lack of sleep with lots of kisses.

But I was still angry!!! And the family centre were oh so grateful.

Then, all was forgotten when I got an email about a Barn I had seen (see extras). God women are so fickle! The Barn seemed perfect but over budget - arn't they all!. Plenty of reception rooms and bedrooms, planning for Granny Annexe, local to his Squash club and my dream home. I couldn't help but keep reading the details, look at the pictures, dream, plan and then wake up and realise its way over budget!!!! But one to keep in my head if I happen to win the lottery. Or another car!

I'm going on a bit arnt it. 

Then in the evening, my friend Jane came over. I told her my woes then felt really bad when she told me her husband of 4 years today was gambling, attempted suicide and was done for drink driving last week.

All of a sudden I realised that life is just too important to argue over junk.

Today's blip is of my new bag and the handy little clip incorporated in it so you don't loose your keys, with the keyring my Squidget gave me - realising the Bag was quite approprite for the title!

The End.

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