
I had my 4th long distance work trip in a row today so Im pleased to be finished for a few days.

Straight after work, I took Bella for a play date with 2 other Poo's - Willow her Bestie and Mable who she met when she was really little. They ran about the park for an hour before we went back to Willows house for tea and biscuits where they continued to play.

Bella has become a bit of a barker - I know - dogs bark - but she literally barks at everything and its annoying Mr W. So my pocket is filled with treats and each time she looks like shes going to bark, I go to my pocket....... this is her looking at me in anticipation of a biscuit!!!!

In the last few days, I have been thinking about not having a Will and starting to gather bits of paper in preparation for making one. Its not going to be an easy conversation to have with Mr W - especially as I found an old one of his in the drawer when I thought he didn't have one.... all of a sudden its becoming a priority to get it sorted before his children benefit from our estate - and mine don't!!! EEEK. Someone is calling me tomorrow to start it. 

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