Learning day by day

By EmmaF

Coffee on the train

Well I was on the 09.00 train to London this morning and still didn't manage a decent photo! I blame it on not being able to find my little camera since the husband tidied the kitchen on Sunday, nothing to do with a lack of inspiration, honest.

So T walked C up to school for me so I could meet Nanna for a spot of personal shopping in Debenhams. We had a coffee in Debenhams at 10.00 and started the consultation at 10.30. At 13.30 we were paying for the purchases.

Back to Hitchin on the 14.23 with coffee to go. Altercation at the station about non existent tickets for tomorrow's travel, then up to school for pick up.

Out to the baby shower this evening. Luckily I am super organised this week and made the cakes on Sunday. Hopefully they'll be ok for tonight.

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