Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Richardson's Canada Goose

With all these geese around on Islay, Barnacles and White-fronts, what's so special about a Canada Goose? You'll see them in any park and indeed I've heard talk of them being culled in certain areas.

Well unlike our "native" Canada Geese which in general are introduced feral flocks, this guy is a Richardson's Canada Goose. Smallest and palest of the Canada Geese species, the Richardson's (or Baffin Island) Canada Goose (Branta hutchinsii hutchinsii) is a small and dumpy bird with a square-looking head and short bill. In some (like this bird) there is a pale collar. Hutchinsii breed in the arctic, most winter near the Gulf coast of Texas and in Mexico. Somehow this guy's got a bit lost and hooked up with the Barnacle Goose flock. Generally there's three or more examples of this form on Islay each winter and depending whose rules you play by it's a separate tick to our parkland Canada Goose.

Over with RCB you'll find a more definitive shot.

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