Any guesses?

I am pretty sure the yellow one is a fungi but I have absolutely no idea what kind but I found it on a very old, decaying tree stump. There were a number of different ones on the pile of rotting wood but this is one of the prettiest. The glutinous green mixture is presumably wet, slimy moss although it does look a bit disgusting on macro! Hopefully one of you will be able to ID these.

It went from very, very mizzly yesterday to mildly mizzly today and there was at least a hint of the hills through the greyness. One bit of excitement on the walk though was that a young deer scooted right across the path in front of me with a very animated retriever about two minutes behind it. Funnily enough it ran right under the nose of an older (I discovered it was 11) black Labrador who was ambling up the path towards me. The look of astonishment on the dog's face was priceless as if to say "what on earth was that!" ....but it made no attempt at pursuit.

I went to give blood this afternoon and was pleased that at last the organisers seem to be making progress in streamlining the whole process and the frustratingly long queues of years ago are now a thing of the past here. Some of you may already know this but they only keep blood for 32 days and you can check on-line to see if the stock of your type is sufficiently high for you to miss a session or, conversely, so low that your donation will be meaningful. I confess I would rather it stayed in my body until it was useful as I don't like the idea of it being thrown away, seems a waste!

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