Mixed Blessings

Some days flash past with coming and goings that leave me exhausted, especially as today it’s much warmer outside than in. It’s a muggy heat following on from early rain.

I have travelled throughout the day by bus, taxi and shanks’s pony, gaining a blister in the process of the latter.
I have braved the hordes of tourists in holiday mode stravaiging the streets and been caught in the traffic slowing progress on the roads.
I have discussed things of importance with professionals expert in their field and entered the portals of a building I have cycled past many times over the years, wondering what lay at the top of the driveway; now I know and it’s all good..

Just as I thought to relax outside in the sun to write this, the day changed completely and the heavens opened. On the other side of the railings, umbrellas have been unfurled and raincoats wrestled out of bags. I don’t think sheltering under trees is going to be the solution- the rain has a look of intent about it.
Festival weather is back again, like it or not.

I passed this charming main door flat with it colourful garden in leafy Bruntsfield as the sun shone this morning and I was still as fresh as a daisy

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