Today is a new day...

By Quaver

The Hike

We started the day with a hearty breakfast and then drove to Lynn Canyon Park for a circular hike which crossed a suspension bridge over a gorge. Mr Q was brave (he doesn’t like heights) and we all managed over it. Semi-Q was quite alarmed by the ‘cougars have been spotted in this area’ signs! We stopped off at an ecological centre which showed us the tracks of the many animals to be found here. It was interesting.

Semi-Q was pretty tired and needed a rest after lunch. In the afternoon, at wine o’clock, the conversation drifted from whisky to TV shows to politics to music to astronomy and cooking and more. Mr Q was happy watching the boats and planes through the telescope.

Another delicious dinner and then we headed down to the Lonsdale Market and looked at stalls and shops and the view across the water and generally soaked up the atmosphere. North Vancouver is a really big place!

Home to bed - Whistler tomorrow.

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