
By Bom

Pretty in Blue

I do like the blue colour of damselflies! This morning G, M and I went on our monthly bird walk. Being August I obviously wasn't expecting to see much, so took my macro lens in order to photograph butterfies. So obviously there was hardly any butterflies, and ironically a kestrel posed very nicely on the overhead wires above our heads - typical! I was able to use my lens appropriately on the damselfly though. 

This afternoon I went to a talk with Dame Patricia Routledge at the Auden theatre which was very entertaining. It largely focused on her musical theatre career in the UK and US and the talk was interspersed with recordings of her songs from these shows. I had no idea she had this massive career in musical theatre and had won both a Tony award and an Olivier award as best actress in a musical for two different shows. My favourite performance of hers was the Alan Bennett monologue A Lady of Letters. A great afternoon and she well deserved the standing ovation she received. 

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