Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Crater Lake

We nearly didn’t go!

The lake has been shrouded in smoke every time I have checked the webcam this week, but at 7am it looked clear so off we went. We drove through some dense smoke on the way from the Elk Creek fire and weren’t too hopeful but as we entered the park the ranger told us it was “clear as a bell”. Of course I took a gazillion photos but even my widest full frame lens couldn’t quite get the full circle of the lake in - so this is an iPhone pano.

The blue is dazzling.

We drove round the perimeter of the lake and as we neared our starting point we saw some smoke blowing in, literally within less then 30 minutes the view was as in the extra.

We were so lucky.

We are now installed in Sunriver for three nights, the 6th of our 9 hotels. It took them until 7pm to release our cabin, I was fuming!

Swimming for a couple of days now before we head towards Seattle. I was so excited to get here and find a washing machine - how sad is that?

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