Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Physics Revision

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I got my maths prelim results back today - I got a C. I'm glad I passed, but I was 2 marks away from a B, and I could tell by the way he looked at me that my teacher was disappointed. Ah well, I tried my best, and now I know what I need to look at in more detail.

Today in school was mostly spent revising for physics. I really should start putting blips up earlier in the day, because by the time I usually put them up (11PM onwards), I've forgotten most of what's happened in the day. More did happen today, but I can't remember what...

The annual Children in need 'day' will be happening this Friday. It raises money for children all across the world, and in primary school, we did something for it every year to raise money. However, since coming to high school, we've never done anything. I think it's something to do with religion (I go to a catholic high school, but I didn't go to a catholic primary). Some pupils usually do their own things, but it would be great if the whole school did something for it....

Have a nice week everyone!

Steven :)

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