wander, stumble, wonder

By imo_weg

British Museum

After my day in the National Archives I was heading down to my brother's for the weekend. First I had a day in London, before he gave me a lift in the evening. So off I went to enjoy a few sites that also provided lockers. First: the British Museum. I had been briefly before, and this time I was determined to do a better job of seeing it. After walking from Canada Waters along the Thames Path I was quite relieved to get to the Museum (I did catch the tube for the last bit), and spent a little bit of time trying to work out where on earth to start. Eventually I went through the 'creation of the collection' section, found the Rosetta Stone and the other Egyptian bits, wandered through there and then thought it was probably lunch time. Before I left, however, I accidently found myself in the watch and clock display, which captured my attention, and then the medieval Britain bits.

By then it was super super super lunchtime, so I had to get out and find some food. After that I went on to the Museum of London. I love that museum, it's a lot of fun and last time I was there half of it was still being put together. So this time I spent hours reading about the Great Fire of London and other post-medieval history. Amazing! I read all the signs, looked at all the pictures, and took my time before heading off to meet my brother and drive down to Dorset.

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