
By momcat1

Swan,um, Egret Lake- ballet anyone???

Well , not  a lake either . It was our fishing egret once again dancing  through the waves after fish. He/she is quite a good fisherman. I spent 15 min and a lot of shots trying to catch this bird as it bobbed and weaved through the air and surf after these little fish. This is the only one to catch the whole bird in the frame and in focus. 
I hate the last day at a beach and this one was very hectic as the daughter wanted to go for a  bathing suit, the sister wanted to head out to a farmers market and I wanted to go to the beach. well , no swimming was done , but there is a shot of a baby tern bugging it's parent who is totally ignoring it. There is also a picture of the lovely beach . 
 I am now a day behind posting these but we got in at 2 Am last night - our flight left late and we had to drive back from Syracuse. And the wifi at the condo was v-e-r-y   s-l-o-w. So I am posting today .

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