
By Houseonahill6

Cromarty treescape

We went back to Cromarty today to see the exhibition, Cromarty Treescapes in The Stables.
The work by Ian Westacott has taken two years to complete.Working in all sorts of weather Ian etched directly onto copper plates recording many of the Great Elms and Chestnut trees in Cromarty.Dutch Elm disease has reached the Black Isle and affecting many of these ancient trees.Fascinating work and so detailed.Ian tells of sitting under a tree busy working when a Barn Owl that must have been there sitting watching him for sometime suddenly took flight.
We recognised a few of the trees, remembering that they would be printed in reverse. A leaflet has been produced to guide you round Cromarty to see the trees so we’re looking forward to doing that sometime.
We sat by the harbour and had pizza for lunch.
We did have a walk on the South Sutor ,looking for some of the trees , nice and sunny and a cooling breeze . The old war buildings would have had great views across the water .

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