Anni Mamundi

By An1ma


...I haven't been out with the macro lens for a while.
It's funny how you need to 'get your eye in'.
I sat for a while thinking, 'there's absolutely nothing here', but slowly I attuned to the plethora of life going on around me.
This bug is one I don't know, though I expect it's common.
Was I bitten?
Of course I was!
I was sitting by a stream.

I'll add an extra little bug (frog-hopper type of thing, because it looks more like a budgie than a budgie and I haven't seen one of these before either. The bug not the budgie.
Though I haven't spoken to a budgie for a while come to think of it).
And a butterfly image I was pleased with too.

So, what's for dinner tonight?
I really don't know.
I have a tin of chick peas, a red pepper
and some onion and garlic.
It's looking a bit like chick pea burgers to me.
(No. I'm not excited by that either).
Though I do have some incredibly nice and unusual spice, with a coconutty fragrance - potato wedges coated in that might lift the burgers?
The above is the kind of conversation I have with myself every day.

Such is Monday.

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