We LOVE Edinburgh buses

We seem to have got into a new routine while I'm in Edinburgh on my hols. What happens is.................... I go out for a short walk on my lead first thing in the morning. I'm usually very snail like when I wake up so we don't go far. Then I have home alone snooze time usually on the sofa while Ann goes out and about. She buys a day ticket for the buses which is £4 and you can go on as many buses as you like all day long. Such good value and gorgeous little collies get to travel for free.

In the afternoons she has started taking me somewhere on the bus. This afternoon we got the bus to Dreghorn Woods and walked through the woods to Bonaly. Then we walked down to Colinton village and I went for a play in the park and a splish, splash, splosh in the Waters of Leith, before getting the bus home. This routine means that I get lots of run about time off my lead in the afternoons. Yay! And do you know what?................... I get loads of compliments about my behaviour when I am on the buses. I just lie down in good dog mode and people are always telling Ann what a very well behaved little collie I am. Ann is very proud of me.

In the evening Ann uses her day ticket again to go to festival/fringe shows etc.

At least six bus journeys a day for £4 is a bargain.


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