What I did today....................

Went on a little half hour trek, on my lead, around the streets of Morningside in the rain.

Went on a little 40 min trek, on my lead, around the streets of Musselburgh in the rain.

Played for an hour on Porty Beach with my pink ball. The rain had stopped and it was actually very warm. Dropped my pink ball 'somewhere' and refused to go looking for it so for the rest of the walk I didn't have a ball to play with. I've got no more balls left now and Ann said that she's not going to buy me any more because I don't look after them properly! Booohoooooo................

Stayed 'home alone' for a couple of hours. I was very good. I didn't even attempt to do any 'chewing'.

When Ann came home I went on a 10 min walk around the block (in the rain) for wee-ing purposes. I had a wee. Yay!

Staying in for the rest of the evening as its still raining.

Oh and if anyone is interested?................................. Obviously I'm still a puppy and am still learning, but now that my very lovely owner, Ann, has stopped stressing about my toileting issues; she's now stressing about me jumping up at people.


I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every human and every dog. But how does Ann stop me jumping up at everyone I meet?.....................................

.........................Sometimes it's easy. I know the word, 'NO' and if I go to jump at someone, Ann shouts, 'NO' at me. If I'm jumping at a 'sensible' doggie person Ann can usually just ask them not to give me any attention until I'm sitting nicely. Unfortunately most people that I 'jump' at, say, 'Ahhhh what a cute little puppy. I don't mind her jumping at me.' And that's why Ann can't train me not to jump...................... Too many people are making a fuss of me when I jump at them.

Sooooooooooo............................ any suggestions about how Ann should handle this?

I can guarantee that the people who think its appropriate to have a clean, cute little puppy 'jumping' at them today, will be the same ones, who in a years time, will be trying to sue Ann because a fully grown, wet, muddy, dog has jumped up at them while they're wearing white linen trousers???!!!


Any suggestions lovely Blippers?

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