The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Eviction Time

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

It was pottering day. The Eldest Mini Princess wasn’t feeling great so we just stayed at home and chilled. She curled up and watched Netflix and The Youngest Mini Princess read her book. After it was suggested to her that she is borderline addicted to her iPad, she has decided not to use it for 30 days to make a point. The point being that we are wrong and she is right! We are a week in and ‘Did you know how much you can read in a day, Mum?’. She was amazed to find out that this is not ground breaking news to me!

I went out and weeded the front garden again. When I am cooking, I do all my food prep at the counter in front of the kitchen window. I spend a lot of time looking out at the garden and I am offended when plants that haven’t been invited try to take up residence there! I feel happy when it has all been done. It looks so pretty

EMP was feeling a bit better in the afternoon and wanted to get out of the house so we all went out for a wander with Murphy. It is still lovely and sunny and a very pleasant 20 degrees. It has been an amazing summer. The Beast From the East can visit every winter if we get summers where it doesn’t rain every day*.


*As long as it doesn’t get warmer than 20 degrees. That’s my melting point.

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