The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Mother’s Pride

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

The Eldest Mini Princess set an alarm today as her exam results were due to be sent by email at 8 am. And sat. Waiting. And waiting. By 9.30 am, we realised that there must be an issue and that she would have to wait for the certificate to arrive by post. I felt really bad for her. That kind of wait feels like an eternity, but she took herself off for a run and then we started painting in her room.

Just before lunchtime the postie rang the doorbell and she raced downstairs. When she opened the envelope, the wait had been worthwhile- 8A’s in her Nat 5’s. She was understandably, and rightly, as high as a kite.

One of my friends said “you must be a proud mum today” and I had a brief moment of confusion in my brain. I am over the moon, peeing my pants excited and pleased for her today, but I am proud of her every day. I am proud of how she dealt with the whole experience - her organisation, motivation, diligence and calm. She may be the only person I have ever known who did a study timetable to actually use rather than just procrastinating.

But most of all, I am proud because she is EMP. I would start to list the reasons but a blip description probably has a character limit.


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