Diary of a Homeowner

By JennyWrenny

Big Sky? Check

Living on your own generates a certain amount of paranoia about turning off your oven (check), unplugging your straightners (check), and locking your house before you leave (check). When I sold the car and started commuting to work I had to get used to the idea that when I was convinced I'd left the iron on, I couldn't just drive home all the way from work to check I'd turned it off. But now that I have bought my own house and after actually leaving my straighteners on last week, I am now paranoid than ever. This morning it had aleady taken me 15 mins to get to the bus stop because these lovely big skies distracted me and my camera, but when I finally got on the bus I realised I'd not checked the oven. So off the bus I get to go home and check the I've not left the gas on. Crazy single 30 something woman? Check.

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