Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A rainy day

Yesterday I survived the shopping trip with Thomas - we got most things he needed, and some, like rugby boots, we ordered online. We finished quite late and then met up with Gavin and Luke for a quick sushi supper before going home.

Today we finally had some wonderful soft rain - it is very much needed and no one must complain about it - even Gavin who is sitting at Lords cricket grounds waiting for play to commence....I loved the droplets hanging off these flowers.

Unfortunately poor Murdoch is not well again. He has had a bit of an upset tummy for about 3 days but last night it got much worse and so this morning I took him to the vet. Once again it is due to him eating something silly in the garden, perhaps like fox poo, but thankfully he is not as ill as he was last time. With medication the bowel infection should clear up in a day or two. I am very grateful for having such a lovely vet.

Next Friday we go on our annual family holiday - this was booked nearly a year ago after consulting with everyone in the family as to the most suitable dates. After we had booked and paid the deposit, we found out that Thomas has been selected for the 1st team rugby pre-season training and tour in France, which takes place at the same time. He feels obliged to go but is very sad to be missing out on the family holiday and time with his brothers, although we have worked it that he can spend a few days on holiday with us before the tour starts. Best laid plans....they never work, do they! So now I am busy sewing labels on his rugby kit, a hateful job!

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