
By scharwenka

Morning View ...

... from our bedroom window.

We are looking west, and the sun is shining on this lovely red-gold tree. Behind the tree, there are quite dense clouds building up, but above us and to the east, there is not a cloud in sight (but they soon showed up, of course!).

The fine tree is, in fact, on the opposite side of a main road (on which the car is driving past). The fairly long focal length of this shot perhaps obscures the relative positioning of the trees right in front of our window, and the large tree beyond the road.

We watch this tree throughout the seasons, from its bare branches in winter, to the first hints of green in spring, and then through a variety of shades in summer, and, perhaps most splendid of all, these autumnal colours. The positioning of the sun in the morning at this time of year helps, so long as the sun deigns to shine.

We've seen this tree before, on 24 October 2010. On that occasion, I caught the moon as it was setting, with enough sun to light the trees. We saw the moon setting in the early morning again this year in October, but the light was never quite right to get a decent shot again. Maybe next year, I'll work out exactly when the moon should be setting but not behind the tree or too far away from it; with daylight not too bright; and when the trees have already turned colour substantially. Photography can be hard work, and it was jolly cold with the bedroom window open!

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