Summer course

Ballet day today!

When we had decided that we’d be staying in London these few days (cat sitting for my cousin), I realised Katie might be able to go do the summer course at Central. They offered her a place immediately and she was delighted to go today.

They had a fabulous day- they started with ballet with a teacher she’s getting to know now. It was then repertoire. She was delighted that they were doing the Nutcracker- she got to be King Mouse! The afternoons classes were both musical theatre. They did a great medley of songs from Oliver! with dances. I could hear their final time as I waited to collect her and they sounded brilliant!

We walked from Central to kings cross so that we could take only one tube instead of having to change (she much prefers to walk more, tube as little as possible). We were going to play in the fountains but right as we got there it clouded over & began to rain again. So, instead, she twirled and danced in the beautiful colour-changing tunnel before we came home.

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