Back To the Beach

For the first time I ages I took my tripod for an outing to the beach. I was a gorgeous afternoon and whilst the kids collected treasure for Jaiyas school project.....I happily snapped away ...and rolled off some LEs.

Unfortunately lugging the tripod all over the headland made my shoulder flare up again....sigh!......when is it ever going to get back to normal.......however no time for moaning and really is so much better than what it was.

I am not going to mention the is another source of frustration...but also winning the battle there is much to be thankful for.

I am considering coughing up for a decent back up system....I am so sick of these HDs that are not cheap.........I have a drawer full of them with all bits and bobs on each and just lately 3 have bit the dust and won’t Mount.......I dunno.
Is there anyone who can point me in the right direction...for a good back up?

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