Sore Butt!!

Not a lot to say about today except;
I spent the day on the move
 0645 - Home
 0715 - Berkeley Vale - National Express
 0945- Arrive Plymouth Coach Station
 1000 - Depart Plymouth Coach Station
 1415 - M5 Bristol (Running 1 Hour Late)
 1435 - Arrive Leigh Delemare Services
 1445 - Depart Leigh Delemare Services
 1610 - Arrive Mereoak Park & Ride (Reading)
 1615 - Depart Mereoak Park & Ride (Joshua’s Car)
 1945 - M5 Southbound At Taunton Dean
 2145 - Cornish Services
 2300 - Home
Joshua is home on three weeks leave and has completed his first ‘long’ journey.

Todays Blip Foto shows the gates to the Seamen’s Mission at Canning Place in Liverpool. The top photograph is as I would have seen them as an apprehensive fifteen year old a long way from home in 1968. The bottom photograph shows them as they are today, preserved and on display.

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