Quick walk around the block

This isn't the 'Block' where we live, it's around the school where the little human boys go.
We were a bit early after dropping Great Granny off at the doctors so I took Jonty for a walk to kill 15 minutes before picking the boys up. We then all went back to the doctors to pick up Great Granny and Marlane, who is just plain Granny but is also a Great Granny in her own way.
Apart from that, it's the only photo I've taken today so there you go, you got Jonty again.
It's been a busy day with jobs but the biggest one of all was the erecting of Lennon's cabin bed. Shouldn't be such a huge job you might think, even if it is flat pack. However, it was too long, by about 4 cm's, for the width of the room. So we cut it down reattached the ends, drilled new holes for the dowels and, for good measure, went along the top of the frame with 'No More Nails' before lowering the bed section onto the top. It should be very strong, there's no play in it at all as it is wall to wall!

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