The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Well Cello There

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I spent most of the day with The Eldest Mini Princess. She had birthday vouchers to spend and also needs to get a full size cello so we went into town which was VERY brave considering the festival is on. I expect to get a certificate soon from the bravery police.

We went to Stringers* and a very nice lady chatted to us about cellos and the options available**. During her chat, she told us about the time that a lady who was holidaying in Edinburgh came in and asked if the shop could look after her violin for a few days. The lady wanted to do a bit of travelling up north and was worried that it might get damaged. Her concern for her instrument was completely understandable when she explained that the violin was worth £125,000! If I spent that about of money on something, I’d expect to be able to live in it.

We went to meet The Explorer later in the afternoon. She has decided to do a bit of dog walking to get her out and about so we though it would be nice for her charge, Yoyo to meet Murphy and have a wander together.

Yoyo is soooooo cute. He looks like a teddy bear but to be honest, that’s where his virtues end. He doesn’t like people, dogs, cuddles, balls or water. He’s like a robot dog. He has NO spark about him. Murphy looked like a bit of a lunatic bounding next to him. They also had a mutual dislike if each other and the only time they interacted was to growl.

It was just EMP and I in the evening so we watched Lucky Man and ate chocolate. A great evening.


*a music shop. Not a lap dancing bar.

**expensive and more expensive!

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