The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Three In A Row

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Today, The Prince and I met Basher and Shuvly for lunch. We started with drinks in Bon Vivant. I will admit to not feeling overly enthusiastic about drinks at 1 pm as TJ and Cat came round last night and left about 1.30 am. I had called last orders when I opened the final bottle of prosecco when I realised that I was going out 12 hours later!

A gin and tonic later and I was back in the game! We went to Dishoom and to my delight, Basher and Shuvly are both food sharers. I got to try loads of different things. It was a complete joy. They are great fun. Basher talks to EVERYONE as if they are his mate. Our waiter was Bulgarian but funnily enough didn’t seem to instantly know the Bulgarian person that Basher met once, whose name he couldn’t remember but ‘he lives in Livingston’!

We had a drink outside the Refinery after lunch. I’ve never really liked it there but they let dogs in! They even bring them dog treats. If Murphy ever calms down, I will take him in. Maybe not on a Friday night. I don’t think he’d want to end up in Fingers!

We finally headed home about 9 when Basher and Shuvly got their train. Basher had just got to the ‘sod it, let’s just stay out and go for it’ stage and was clearly trying to procrastinate long enough so they missed their train and could stay out longer. He left saying that they would be right back if they didn’t quite make it in time. Unfortunately for him, his cunning wife had anticipated this possibility and told him the train was 10 minutes earlier than it was!

It was for the best. We had a great day and we were still sober enough to chat to the Mini Princesses when we got home.

Three days of drinking in a row. I am like a rock star!


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