Just the Withers......

By JaneW

Lurking behind a lit pavlova......

Well I have had a lovely lovely day and I feel ready to explode,yes of course I have over eaten !! My Mother in Law made me the pavlova,she does make a good one I have to say...
Yes I have been terribly spoilt,but I think we knew that would happen I have lighting and bits and twiddly stuff for the camera....just loads.
Tomorrow myself and last years gang are out for our annual lunch do....

I must just say love to my mate Moonchops,it would have been her Daddys 70th today,we were birthday twins..... if you remember Moon's Dad Jim passed away in April this year... in the spirit of loving Moonchops very much I offered to have an extra gift on behalf of Jim to make her feel better ;)
He would have approved of my shallowness I can assure you xxxxxxx
Love you Moonchops xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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