A time for everything

By turnx3


It was a lovely morning first thing, when we first looked out the window and while we were enjoying breakfast, but unfortunately by the time we were leaving our accommodation, it was overcast and drizzling. We started a walk near Derwentwater, heading up a valley beside a stream, but decided it wasn’t the best choice, so instead we continued on to Loweswater, and enjoyed a beautiful walk around the lake, past fields of sheep, and affording lovely views over the lake. Afterwards we drove into Keswick to have a little explore around the town and enjoy some tea and cake. By this time it was late afternoon, and finally the sun was beginning to put in an appearance, so we went to the lake and walked along the lakeshore to Friars Crag, enjoying the beautiful light and cloud formations in the sky. Then it was time to drive south to Roger’s family near Stockton Heath, ready to pick Jen up from Manchester airport tomorrow.
I have included a couple of extras of Keswick lakefront in the early evening.

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