
By Grimsayer

Cap'n Mark

Anchor issues resurfaced at the same time as our anchor with a crossed chain from another boat and caused much entertainment for all the other boats in Kalamos as we left.
With a fair bit of wind the sails were up and before long Tricia had damaged herself, leaving a finger between a rope and a hard place. A similarly named crew member accidentally left a hatch open and the water thought of it as a hole and entered enthusiastically.
On to Meganisi and swimming off another beach. Time spent on a boat always seems to produce "boat envy". A coupel of yachs here would have provided thagt even if sailing about the QE2. 
A new anchor issue with the chain becoming mysteriously twisted, solved only by brute force.
The wind settled fair and the sails were put back up, knocking off the radar deflector at the same time, providing good practice at man overboard drill.
Tired and emotional, the skipper put into Vathi to find there were no spaces so on the next bay, Spartakhori, Sparta flip flop to the aficionados. Here again there was literally no space at the inn, or taverna pontoon, but fortuitously there was one space left at the end of the creek with our name on it. We were helped in, bow first,  by the harbourmaster, who turned out to be, not surprisingly, brother of Barry our host for the night at his taverna. The waiters provided a mixed lot, names such as Grumpy and Happy springing to mind. That said, opinions of Greek cuisine continue to rise.
Looking at the photo, clearly skippering a boat gives one a slightly manic look. "What are my crew going to do next?", "What is going to break next?" must always be on one's mind.
Reading the above, it sounds a bit of a catalogue of disaster but it was in fact a great day's sailing and evening!

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