....a whiter shade of.....

This has been my view for a lot of today.

Woken several times last night with bouts of coughing....about every hour to hour and a half. Eventually gave up at 5.00 a.m. so as not to disturb the Boss and let her have a lie in. Spent most of the morning curled up on the sofa and the afternoon in bed.

The whole day has been interspersed with coughing fits, sneezing fits, watering eyes and a runny nose. The coughs and sneezes have been about every 10 minutes while I've been awake and every hour or so while I've been asleep. I've coughed so much my chest muscles, inter-costal muscles and diaphragm are aching.....in fact during one coughing fit I felt a sharp pain in a rib....we thought I'd either sprung a rib or cracked one....the pain has gone now but there's still a funny tingling sensation.

I suppose the one good point is I've had very few cigs today.

What's the betting I have another disturbed night?

I'll have to catch up when I'm feeling better.

Das vidanya moy padruga.

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