She's my friend. I made her. My friends are toys.

A wonderful day out with Valerie, Arthur and my father-in-law. A delicious early lunch at a tempura restaurant in Higobashi, followed by the incredible Cirque Du Soleil show, Kurios. Utterly breathtaking.

"A new life awaits you in the Off-World colonies. The chance to begin again in a golden land of opportunity and adventure. New climate, recreational facilities.....absolutely free. Use your new friend as a personal body servant or a tireless field hand -- the custom tailored genetically engineered humanoid replicant designed especially for your needs. So come on America, let's put our team up there...."

This message has been bought to you by the Shimata-Dominguez Corporation.

Come on, guys. You must be able to guess my favourite film from this!

Are "Friends" Electric?

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