Tussock Tales

By TussockTales

The Avenue of Trees

This lovely spot is only 100 metres from where we live and is the access between the main road west and Wanaka Station Park which we live on the edge of.
We passed through it on the walk of the day today and The Boss thought the greens looked particularly vibrant and on the way back a couple of hours later he pulled the phone out of his pocket and made this Pana shot as the OM-D had been left behind to make room for mail pick up as The Bossess was back in town.

Over Tea the Boss and The Bossess discussed Christmas Cards. There is some history on this as for many years The B's have been almost famous for their Christmas cards which always featured a dog, Golden Retrievers for many years and Tussock for the last 4, in special setups depicting an event throughout the year, and last year they received a number of electronic cards which prompted the discussion on trends and what they should do this year. The feeling was to maybe do an electronic card primarily and see how the system would work. i.e was there email addresses for all the friends we wanted to communicate with? Mostly yes because we communicate with them through the year. And would The Boss be able to make a card that had lot's of room for personal messages. ( He didn't know as he hasn't done it yet to see).
So here's the thing. What does Blipland think about this? Is the "Christmas Card" sacrosanct and required to be an actual card or is the thought and greeting the thing and the actual media irrelevant in today's world. Should we be cutting down trees to wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year?
There are also some wonderful greeting sites on the WWW with Jacqui Lawson topping our list. These offer truly wonderful experiences that can be played over and over but can't be popped on the Mantle for display to friends.
What to do...What to do... Glad it's not my problem. The best part of Christmas for me is tearing up all the wrapping paper afterwards. HUGE FUN!

Make a trunk call

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