Mending Nets???

A calm and sunny morning.  It's been sunny most of the day, with the odd cloud passing over.  There's been a breeze, but a calm evening, and now the midgies are out! 

Another day working at the Croft House Museum.  It's been a really quiet day, 6 people in the morning, and only 2 this afternoon.  Walkies with Sammy around Scalloway this evening, and mam popped by for a cuppa.  Feet up for the night. 

I popped along bro Jonny for lunch, and a hair cut too.  Ruth and the bairns are away south for a holiday, so only Jonny home.  I popped by again on my way home, and spied him in the garden.  At a first glance, I thought he was busy meaning nets, much to my surprise, he was busy meaning the bairns trampoline.  Plenty of fun for the bairns return on Monday.  Taken at Bigton. 

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