Rest Day

Did basically nothing all day but eat a bit and nap a bit and sleep later in the evening.  Oh yea, did some gaming, too, and finished post-processing the pictures taken in the Pergamon Museum.  Still can't over the fact that I've actually been there and saw the things I saw.  Simply amazing!  Also one load of laundry, but that's peanuts.  It'll all be dry by tomorrow.  No more hanging outside, though, as it now often showers, and even rains, at night, which is a really welcome thing.

Remember H, the one who had a stroke in July?  AW and the other buddies were supposed to go to his house in the evening so that they could have a nice chat (the real thing and not the mobile phone type) with beer and snacks, but H texted everyone that he was tired after his therapy and too knackered for company, so that will have to wait.  We are, of course, all still concerned and hope all the physiotherapy visits are giving good results.

AW called me out into the garden at one point because these two were paying us a call.  It's hard to shoot between the willow tree leaves because the camera prefers to focus on the leaves, but then they floated into an 'open spot' and I clicked quickly.  What a week it has been!

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