Double Shot Mummy


Making a tunnel with daddy

Today was the start of the Dubai weekend so we all went to the mall and had a yummy lunch. It was the first time we'd been out for lunch as a family of five (Without extras) since arriving in Dubai! It went very smoothly, Maple just slept in the sling as usual. The twins enjoyed their fish/chicken schnitzel, chips and cucumber batons with dips. I enjoyed a fresh mint tea and salmon rye bagel and Stu was happy with his steak sandwich!

We then did the supermarket shop which would have been perfect as far as supermarket shopping goes if Oscar hadn't have lost his new orange car :-/ Daddy came to the rescue by nipping up to the toy store to get a replacement...

Bailee fell asleep in the taxi and wouldn't go down for a nap after that. Oscar wouldn't sleep without her so fell asleep on the couch.

In Dubai we drink bottled water so have plenty of boxes to play with after delivery! That afternoon Stu made a ramp with the twins to play on with their cars. It was a big hit and kept them amused for at least 30 minutes!

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