Double Shot Mummy


Twins enjoying their art

I don't know if it is a coincidence, but ever since we got rid of Oscar's 'da', the twins have been waking up early (Between 545 and 630). They have also been struggling to go down for their midday naps. One day I thought they had been fast asleep for 45 minutes until I peeped in and the lights were on and the entire contents of their drawers was spread around the room!

Yesterday Oscar didn't want to go to sleep, he wanted to "Do art, do art". I had promised him we would make Nemo's but we ran out of time after our jelly and washing activity. Today we read Finding Nemo and Bailee and Oscar made these fishes with their daddy. Bailee concentrated especially hard on sticking, gluing and squeezing glitter paint out for this activity. She was so excited about it she even tidied up! :-)

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