Lazy Day by da Pool

A breezy day, but hot and sunny.  There was the odd cloud that passed, think I counted three clouds today! 

I had a great night out last night.  There was drams, shows and live music.  But this place has zero culture, you could be at any resort across the globe.  The only thing that says it's Bulgarian, is the odd sign written.  Saying that, I am heading out to the bright neon lights again tonight, and make the most of it while I'm here :)  

So it's been a very lazy day, and that's what I planned.  The thought of the beach was a certain NO, too crowded and busy.  By the pool in our hotel has been much quieter, and relaxing.  With it hitting over 30 degrees again, nice to dip in the pool to cool down.  Taken at Hotel Yavor Palace, Sunny Beach

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