Waiting on Granny an Grandad

A dry and windy morning, then rain came in by lunchtime.  Finally stopped raining after tea, and a calm night now.

I've been working on the museum desk all day.  There was a cruise ship in Lerwick again, but we had a quiet morning.  When the rain came, so did the visitors, and a really busy afternoon.  Been down to mam's this evening.  A cuppa a good yarn.  Working all weekend, so a quiet night by the fire. 

Elise is down for the weekend, so me, mam, dad and Elise headed out for a walk with Sammy.  Elise and Sammy were a bit more nimble on their feet, and occasionally charged ahead, and having to wait for granny and grandad to catch up.  Her they both are taking a rest on the creels, at the Cloddie Hall, Cunningsburgh.  

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