The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Upsetting The Boss

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

Occasionally I take baking into work. My colleagues then turn into locusts and form a swarm. It takes seconds after I open a box of goodies before they are all gone. Today I took in a couple of leftover brownies from home and gave them to The Disciple and Smashley.

I then received this email from my project manager…

I hear you've been doing some home baking...brownies as favourite....hang on...let me rephrase
I hear you've been baking some of my faves and NOT GIVING ME ANY....WTFs that all about????

Which made me laugh so I made some when I got home and sent him a picture of the brownies baking I the oven with the message…

This had better stop you moaning #workplacebullying

I might report his unprofessional behaviour to HR.


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