Stevens Shots

By StevenC44


Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I took a short break away from the healthy eating today to enjoy some toffees that I bought when I went out shopping with my Nana. Not had the best of days eating wise, but I'll try and work it off tomorrow!

I'm gonna try the next little bit in Spanish, nothing rude I promise!
Hoy he tenido preliminares en español. eran más fáciles de lo que pensaba, y espero que lo hice bien!

Roughly translated, it says: Today I had prelims in Spanish. They were easier than I thought, and I hope I did well!
Any Spanish speakers out there, feel free to correct me :)

So yeah, I'm glad my prelims are over! Just the exams to look forward to now...

Oh, and it'll be my 200th blip this day next week, so I'll try and do something involving my Nana and/or friends and/or family.

Have a great weekend!

Steven :)

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