Stevens Shots

By StevenC44

Another conversation blip

Hello Blippers! Hope your all well!

I didn't really have anything to blip today, so here's just another 'conversation blip', as I call it. There was something else being said before, but I'm not quite ready to tell about it over blip.

So, physics prelims today! With the general one, there were some almost unbelievable mistakes. We had to be stopped 3 times because there was something wrong with the paper, including:
- 2 questions that had been cut off by the printer (for example, one of them said "which of the fol).
- one question had words that weren't supposed to be there; "The component the", it said.
- on one question, some crucial words had gone all blurry
- and finally, they misspelled the number two. They put tow instead.

You'd think someone would check these things...

Turns out, I have one last Spanish prelim tomorrow I'd forgotten about. It's the listening one, where we listen to a recording then write down the answers to the questions on the paper. It's the one I find most difficult in Spanish. (Next to speaking), as the people talk fast and have a strong accent. Oh well, I can only try my best!

Have a nice Friday!

Steven :)

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