Bulgarian Crochet

A hot and sunny day again :)

We were meant to be on an excursion today, but it got cancelled, thankfully.  I had a late night, only in at 3am.  We met a group from Serbia, and had a great laugh and drams together.  Today I've paid for last night, and missed most of the morning.  Then another lazy afternoon by the pool.  Think it's going to be a quiet night in the hotel. 

I managed a walk about town this afternoon, but not much to see, with over 800 fairly new hotels on every street.  I did finally spy something truly Bulgarian,  their crochet.  It was lovely to look at, and almost looked like our own Shetland Fine Lace.  Hopefully I'll get to see more real crafts soon.  Taken on Boulevard Avenue, Sunny Beach.  

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