You Wouldn’t Read About It

Today was the first day out for 10days...I was excited.

I woke to the sound of rain was delicious to turn over and burrow under the covers just that little bit more.

Where we live is just gorgeous in the rain...the clouds spilling over the mountains and the misty landscape all wet and lovely.
Camera......Kid....and Dog...armed and ready...(of course those two forgot their cameras) to go and take some shots. I got Jaiya to stop the car I whipped out my camera and started to click away only to discover BOOOOOOOOOOOOO ‘No card’..........I was so bummed........hey ho! It was lovely to be out ....Beetle was in 7th heaven and I had my trusty iPhone to the rescue.
This is an old rusted out sugar cane barge whose skeleton was more exposed that I had seen it before....that cormorant lives in that tree methinks...I be blipped him before.

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