twinned with trumpton


Up and out from the word go; muesli and onto the bike to meet baz for an overdue wander up the Seat on what was a fine morning. Tough Mudder in full cry in Holyrood Park - *sigh*
By 11 we were done; and off to her's to withdraw cash before heading home; changing and out to chum Steve, Kerry & Sonny up the Walk ahead of Hi Scores at Leith Theatre. Some plans for future football related nonsense were laid.

I sped off to meet her; having completed her OT and despatched G off into town to meet her mates. We headed west along the canal in search of blackberries (the old Tesco at Wester Hailes and then behind HMP Saughton yielded results; Asda for supplies then back to hers.

A quick change and out to use the elbows doon the High St (nothing caught the eye so we purchased the necessary bits for macaroni cheese (macaronit and - er - cheese!) before a half hour on the steps of the musuem watching the Pieute inspired skate stunt meet for their 6th birthday; a really nice vibe compared with the rest of town. Some awesome moves too before the cheap lager took hold and the focus shifted from stunts to hangin' out.

Home for dinner and a quiet couple of hours; I made it home to watch Vuelta day #1 highlights and some of MOTD. A good day 

Her putting her blackberry spotting skillz to good use

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