Birthday dinner

I do love a family get together, even if a fully blown meet up is a rarity, these days. But we did have a decent showing for the miniMinx's birthday dinner, this evening, as in addition to Dan and Abi, Charlie also came up from Manchester. 

The Minx, in her indefatigable and borderline miraculous style, rustled up three different types of fajitas - spicy chicken, non-spicy chicken, and vegetarian - in less time than it would take me to prepare one, and we settled down for an excellent meal with lots of laughter and chat. 

And, of course, there was singing and cake, which reminded me that I need to lose three or four kilos before the Loch Ness marathon on just over four weeks' time!

-11.9 kgs
0 words
‘A History Of Seven Killings’ by Marlon James


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