Early morning dancing

With uncle Chris.

A “well, that didn’t go to plan” night yesterday meant that we stayed over at my aunts last night. Thankfully, we had all the necessaries as Kay and Chris had been bringing our holiday luggage up for us anyway so there were clean jammies, toothbrushes and even a change of clothes to put on this morning. We had a nice breakfast all together before uncle Simon picked us up. It was a very odd day.

Simon dropped us at home and we dashed to church - where the service had just finished. We met my sister on her way out of church. My niece and Katie formulated a plan of them kidnapping her! So Katie ended up spending the day there with them while I worked. Which also meant her not having to miss granny’s afternoon birthday tea. Grandad & granny brought her home and put her to bed while my brother in law and I went off to deal with the car.

Despite a crazy journey, he and I eventually made it to our homes!

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