It's out

After nearly 5 months of being wobbly, praying it would survive exams, festival, auditions, the tooth is out. Just weeks before she starts with her new teacher, has a big concert and her big audition. Sigh. Thankfully, she managed to play though it's going to take extra effort for a while. She's a determined wee beast. As luck would have it, the tooth fairy had this afternoon managed to make a sneak purchase without her knowing ready for the occasion!

We had a nice relaxed day. We spent a while tidying round the house, we did her piano practice together. We then headed to the cinema for kids club, via the pick and mix. We spent a bit of time trying to find her some trousers and only managing to find some tops!

When we got home, she had a late lunch and went to play. She returned to show me that her tooth was hanging on by a thread. She's been refusing to help it out for days. I suggested that if it came out, we might go buy her favourite ice lollies. Funny what she will do for a crunchie blast ice cream! The promised ice cream was bought after it came out then she had a wee clarinet practice to reassure her she can still play. It will take a bit more getting used to, but she can! Big relief all round!

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